Filter Tip Inserts - Doob Tube add-ons for joints and pre-rolls
Our Doob Tube Kit replacement FILTER TIP INSERTS are designed to fit in our smell proof and watertight Doob Tube Kit — discreet, smell-proof carrying cases for your joints. The Filter Tip Inserts replacements work with most joints, blunts, and pre-rolls, and they're easy and fast to clean with isopropyl alcohol.
Our new carbon activated joint filters fit perfectly into these tips to further filter the smoke from residual resin and tar making smoke even more velvety smooth.
How to clean silicone filter tips
Once the screen plugs up with gunk, resin and tar and you can not inhale through it you can simply drop the filter tips into the ziplock bag or small jar and add isopropyl alcohol for few hours and rinse under water. You can also use Q-Tip gently to swirl on the screen without pushing on it. Please watch the video below: